Sierra was born in the birthing center in Kittitas Valley Community Hospital. Our family was the only one in the center and we had excellent service! It went smoothly and he was born after just over 24 hours of total labor, with the last 11 hours the most intense. Here he is at his first weigh in. Cynthia, Anthony, Auntie Pow Pow, and Grandma Cathy were all nearby and critical in the successful birth. 

The first 2 weeks were the "babymoon" for our family. Anthony took off of work and we all got to know each other as a new family. Not a lot of sleep for the parents, but a lot for the little man. Here are some images of the most common activities - sleeping, post-feeding snuggling with mommy, bouncing on the yoga ball with dad (after he'd spent a few hours turkey hunting). Also for context, there's a photo of Sierra in daddy's hands - so tiny!

Grandma Cathy and Sierra with cap she hand-knit
Grandpa Duane with Baby Sierra at the birthing center