Well, the past couple of months have been filled with a LOT of change and development for Leopold. Believe it or not, he's learned to scoot, crawl, and pull himself to standing all in a very short amount of time. Here are some photos showing the progression.
Before I was too mobile, I did a lot of Happy Baby Pose, aren't I cute:
This is my favorite chew toy - Sophie the Giraffe.
Love my dinner - especially the water!
Swimming through the air Part I.
Swimming through the air, part II. I'm a good yoga baby!!
Swimming through the air part III.
This is my scooting stance - before I crawled, I spent a lot of time pulling myself around with my arms.
Official crawling stance in hat knit by Auntie Tonya.
Standing up in my crib - yes, mommy and daddy had to lower the mattress finally.
Yes, I got up here all by myself and I like to move from one item to the next.
I can get into lots of fun trouble now!
Me and Daddy and Daddy's deer. Yummy!
Squeals of delight!
OK, this is dark, but still cute - Leopold is very proud to be standing up in his crib. Needless to say, we have lowered the mattress.
OK, one more on the move, too cute with the wagon that the Novack Grandparents got Leopold for Christmas: