Saturday, July 19, 2008

2 months old already?!?!

Wow, Leopold is now 8 weeks old - where has the time gone??

It's been a busy month. Leo took his first trip out of Kittitas County (3 actually), went on his first hike in the National Forest (with mom), went to his first party (4th of July at Grandpa Duane's), attended his first wedding celebration (Saskia and Otto in Seattle), had visits from Auntie PowPow, Uncle David and Abuela Jane, Great Uncle Hal and Great Aunt Sue and Ray, and the Delfinos, went to the zoo and children's museum (although he slept through most of those), and is now visiting with Auntie Kathryn and big Leo. Today we went on a trip to Cooper Lake and Leo enjoyed the sunshine and trees while mom, dad, and Auntie Kathryn did some kayaking.

Leo's getting much more interactive - smiling and almost giggling - standing up and balancing almost on his own and flapping his arms. He likes to dance around and loves being outside. He's not so keen on the carseat or being in the car, but luckily we don't have to do that all that much these days. Cynthia and Leopold usually get a walk once a day at least down to the post office.

We've been enjoying the summer sunshine and life in Roslyn. With the new natural food market and the Sunday farmer's market, we've all been having tasty local food without having to drive anywhere. Anthony's been working outside a lot and playing soccer as much as possible as usual. We're getting closer to making the final decision on childcare for when Cynthia goes back to work the last week of August.

Cynthia's starting to feel a bit stronger - kayaking today was great and she's started back (slowly) with pilates and yoga. No swimming yet, but should be soon. Life in Roslyn without the commute - and with the summer sunshine - is a treasure to be sure. Although she's not missing work itself per se, Cynthia and Leo did attend an important work event in Seattle last week. And Cynthia tried to host a political meeting at the house last weekend, but nobody showed up - not surprisingly the internet is probably not the most efficient way to network in this town, but it was a learning experience.

Anthony and Cynthia went on their first date since Leopold was born - we went out to dinner to celebrate our 2 year wedding anniversary! Grandpa Duane and Nanna Kathryn watched Leo while we had a couple of hours of yummy food and real adult conversation (not completely free of baby topics, but also beyond our new focus on the baby exclusively).

We've got new photos up on Shutterfly:

and we'll try to post more on the blog soon.

1 comment:

Greg and Callie said...

So cute! I'm so glad yall have a blog!! I'll have to bookmark to check back often :)