Thursday, July 24, 2008

Kathryn and Big Leo Visit Roslyn!!

Yes, we just spent a week with Kathryn and Big Leo who visited from Florida. Here we are in our backyard with the 2 Leos (big and little). The Leos had a fun time together and we all enjoyed the summer weather in the Northwest.

Here's the Wilkerson Novack Family in our backyard, standing just beside one of the historic old miners quarters buildings in our backyard.

We had a great time going to the Point Defiance Zoo and Seattle Children's museum before heading over the mountains to Roslyn. Leopold slept through most of the activities, but was awake for a bit of aquarium viewing.

Once in Roslyn, there was much outdoor activity to be had and Big Leo turned our yard into a ship surrounded by water and with strategically located bridges. We had fun picking and eating the cherries from the yard (yummy!!) and there were lots of fun hikes to be had. Here are a few extra photos to go along with the stories from the last post:

Kathryn and Leo at the Roslyn Cafe.

Anthony grilling shrimp and veggies in the backyard.

Cynthia and Leopold at Cooper Lake

Anthony and Big Leo in the Lake

Kathryn getting her baby fix!

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